Terms of use
1. The following Terms of Use of the Website, constitute the terms and conditions for the use of this website, which was created by and belongs to the société anonyme under the name "GAP S.A.", with registered offices in Agios Dimitrios, Attica, 46 Agisilaou Street, e-mail: info@eviol.gr, [hereinafter the "Company"].
2. The right to use this website is general. Where users must complete their date of birth or any other personal details in order to access certain content or functions, these details must be true and accurate. If however, under-age users give false information and appear as adults, the Company is in no way responsible for their exposure to the relevant content or functions or for any usage of this website by such persons.
The Company may occasionally ask users to express their opinion about the products displayed on this website. In this case, users are committed to making decent remarks that do not in any way offend other users or any other social groups. In the event that a user detects a violation of this term, they are kindly requested to notify the website administration so that the post / comment may be removed as soon as possible.
3. Users of this website should note that: (a) any reference on the website to products provided by the Company, does not constitute encouragement, advice or incitement for their use or assurance that the products in question are available, in whole or in part, (b) the provision of information on products does not encompass a guarantee regarding their safety under any circumstances and against anyone; and users should always receive the advice (general or professional) that they consider useful or necessary (c) the information provided to users via this website is not the entirety of information available on the displayed products, whilst there is also the possibility that the information is not up-to-date and has been subjected to alterations or interventions by third parties without the knowledge or consent of the Company and (d) users are asked and expected to verify the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of each piece of information made available through this website. If errors are detected, either by the Company or by the users, every effort will be made to rectify them.
4. This website should be used exclusively for legitimate purposes and in a way that does not restrict or hinder its use by third parties. Users are under the obligation to act in accordance with the law, good morals and these terms of use, and not to commit acts or omissions that could damage or cause the website to malfunction or alter its content.
5. The Company does not guarantee the technical excellence, availability, integrity or security of this website and the internet in general, nor the use thereof or access thereto. It is the users' responsibility to take all necessary precautions for protection of their data and systems.
6. The content of this website is covered by Company and third-party intellectual property rights.
It is prohibited to copy, modify, republish, reproduce or in any other way exploit elements of the content of this website without prior written consent by the Company, with the explicit exception of individual copying, storing and republishing of the above elements under the condition that the indication of their origin from this website will not be deleted and that they shall not be used for a commercial purpose.
It is also forbidden for any user to interfere with the content and settings of this website or to cause interventions of any kind to its use or the technical specifications of its operation.
7. In order for this website to operate seamlessly and to be regularly updated, it is necessary to regularly perform maintenance work which may render it temporarily inaccessible. It is explicitly acknowledged by the users of this website that the Company is in no way responsible for users' inability to access the website, due to the aforementioned reason and/or due to interruption of its operation by the Company for any other reason and that the Company is not obliged to make any kind of prior announcement to the users of this site.
8. Any connection of this website to any other website via special links, hyperlinks, banners etc., does not imply the assumption by the Company of any responsibility for the content of such websites and the quality of the products or services displayed thereon, as well as for the policy adopted by such websites with regard to personal data protection.
9. Subject to any further specific provisions of these terms, any liability of the Company is restricted to acts or omissions by the company itself or its collaborators in the context of this website due to deceit or gross negligence. Users of this website are liable towards the Company for any damage to the company and/or to any third party, as a consequence of a failure to adhere to these terms and conditions.
10. The Company retains the right to permanently or temporarily block and/or delete users from this website if they fail to observe its terms of use.
11. The terms of use of this website are governed and complemented by Greek law, whilst the Courts of Athens are exclusively competent for the resolution of any relevant dispute.
12. With regard to the protection of personal data and of its processing in the context of this website, we apply the specific stipulations of the Privacy Policy in force at any given time and which is posted on this website and constitutes an integral part thereof.
13. Use of this website presupposes and implies acceptance of these terms in their entirety, including the website's Privacy Policy in force at any given time. If you do not agree, please refrain from using it. If you continue using the Website then it is considered that you accept the terms. The Company may at any time proceed to make changes to these terms of use, including to the aforementioned Policy, and each such change shall be effective as of its inclusion on this website.